Photo of Aileen LeBlanc

Aileen LeBlanc


LeBlanc Productions Ltd

Media Professional

Member Since: 2021

Professional Bio

Aileen LeBlanc is a producer, director, editor and documentary filmmaker. Her concentrations as a journalist include social justice and race, the environment and wildlife habitat protection, education, crime and the courts, the remnants of the civil war and history in general, health care, immigration, the movement of societies, and everything that she tackles. LeBlanc held News Director Positions at KMUW in Wichita, WYSO in Ohio and WHQR in NC. and has won more than 70 national and regional awards including a national and regional Murrow, PRNDI, Humanities, League of Women Voters, SPJ, Kansas Assoc. of Broadcasters, NFCB, Ohio ETV and others. LeBlanc judges SPJ awards, PMJAs and the EMMYs. She loves being an editor and working with reporters throughout the US.


LeBlanc Productions Ltd
1817 LoveJoy St.
Beaufort, SC 29023
PMJA Logo Media Professional

Job Role
Digital, Editor, News Manager, Producer, Reporter
Arts & Culture, Consumer Affairs, Energy, Environment & Science, Government & Politics, Social Justice/Race & Equity/Diversity