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National Public Radio


Organization Overview

NPR's rigorous reporting and unsurpassed storytelling connect with millions of Americans every day — on the air, online, and in person. NPR strives to create a more informed public — one challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding and appreciation of events, ideas, and cultures. With a nationwide network of award-winning journalists and 17 international bureaus, NPR and its Member organizations are never far from where a story is unfolding.
Danielle Wilson
Danielle Wilson Senior Director, External Communications
A Leff
Acacia Squires
Acacia Squires NPR States Team Editor
Ammad Omar Chief National Editor
Amy Isackson Editor
Amy Morgan senior editor
Andrea de Leon
Andrea de Leon Northeast Bureau Chief
Andrea Gutierrez Reporter & Audio Producer
Andrew Limbong
Anya Steinberg
Argin Hutchins
Argin Hutcins Audio Production Trainer
Arielle Retting Growth Editor
Barbara Sprunt journalist
Ben Swasey
Ben Swasey voting editor, NPR
Benjamin Abrams
Benjamin Abrams Production Assistant
Betsega Bekele
Bobby Allyn
Brandon Banaszak
Brett Neely Supervising Editor
Britt Cheng Senior Digital Analyst
Bronson Arcuri Video Producer
Bruce Auster
Bruce Auster Managing Editor, Collaborative Journalism
C Mandler Editor II, Engagement
Carol Ritchie Senior Editor
Carol Touhey Executive Assistant to the CCO
Caroline Kelly Project Assistant
Carolyn Jewell Senior Manager, Collaborative Philanthropy
Carrie Feibel
Carrie Feibel Senior Editor
Casey Morell
Casey Morell Producer, NPR Politics Podcast
Casey Perrotta Senior Associate; Digital Philanthropy
Catherine Laidlaw
Cheryl Corley
Cheryl M Thompson Audience and Digital Content Trainer
Cheryl W Thompson
Chloe Wallace Executive Assistant, Member Partnership
Chris Hopkins Newshub editor
Chris Maccini Production Assistant
Christopher Turpin
Claire Rogers Manager, Digital Analytics - Network
Daniel McCoy
Daniel McCoy Sr. Director, Network Growth
Danielle Nett Engagement editor
Debbie Elliott-Taylor National Correspondent
Doug Mitchell
Doug Mitchell Founder/Director
Edith Chapin
Edith Chapin SVP News
Elizabeth Blair Senior Producer/Reporter
Elizabeth Jensen
Emily Abshire
Emily Abshire Product Editor, Digital News Platforms
Emily Alfin Johnson
Emily Alfin Johnson Growth Editor, Network Initiatives
Emily Kwong
Eric Deggans TV Critic
Eric Marrapodi VP of News Programming
Eric Whitney Bureau Chief, Rocky Mountains and Great Plains
Erika Aguilar
Erika Aguilar Executive Producer, Morning Edition
Eva Rodriguez Vice President & Executive Editor
Franklyn Cater
Gabriel Spitzer
Gary Duong
Gemma Hooley SVP Member Partnership
George Bodarky
George Bodarky Reporting Trainer
Gigi Douban News Director
Greta Pittenger Information Specialist
Hansi Lo Wang Correspondent
Heather Brandon
Heather Brandon Digital Network Manager
Holly Morris
Holly Morris Digital Journalism Trainer
Isabel Lara Chief Communications Officer
J Brady Correspondent
Jack Mitchell
Jack Mitchell Associate Editor, NPR One
Jane Gilvin
Jane Gilvin Information Specialist III
Janet Lee
Janet Lee Assistant Producer, Education
Jasmine Richmond Project Manager, Diversity
Jason DeRose
Jeff Guo Host
Jennifer Vanasco Editor/Reporter
Jerome Socolovsky
Jerome Socolovsky Audio Journalism Trainer
John Lansing
John Stempin Senior Producer III
Jonathan Butler Director, Station Digital Solutions
Jonathan Franklin
Jonathan Franklin Reporter
Joseph Hernandez Reporter
Juana Summers Host, All Things Considered
Julia Carney Senior Podcast Strategist
Kahwit Tela
Kahwit Tela Investigations Intern
Kate Concannon
Kate Concannon Senior Supervising Editor, The Indicator from Planet Money, NPR
Katherine Maher
Katherine Maher President & Chief Executive Officer
Kathy Goldgeier
Kathy Goldgeier Director of Collaborative Journalism
Keith Woods
Keith Woods
Korva Coleman
Korva Coleman Visuals Host and Newscaster
Kristen Hartmann Senior Manager, Business Partnerships
Kristin Hume Senior Brand & Marketing Director
Kyle Mackie Associate Producer
L Wamsley
Lakshmi Singh
Lakshmi Singh Newscaster
Lauren Landau Interactive Producer
Lauren Sommer
Leah Donnella
Lilly Quiroz Associate producer
Linda Wertheimer
Linda Wertheimer Senior National Correspondent
Marcia Davis Supervising Editor of Race & Identity at NPR
Margaret Brennan Chief of Staff, News Division
Matthew Cloutier Associate Producer
Megan Pratz
Megan Pratz Political Editor
Natalia Fidelholtz
Natalia Fidelholtz Talent Development Manager
Natalie Escobar Newshub editor
Neda Ulaby
Neda Ulaby Cultural correspondent
Nick Andersen
Nick Andersen Fresh Air Archives Producer
Nina Fill Project Coordinator
NPR Training Team Producer
Pamela Thompson
Rachel Waldholz Climate Editor
Rakiesha Chase-Jackson
Ravenna Koenig
Ravenna Koenig Western Bureau Chief
Rishi Hingoraney
Rob Byers President & CEO
Rund Abdelfatah
Russell Gossett Brand Director
Russell Lewis Deputy National Editor
Ryland Barton
Ryland Barton Senior Editor, NPR States Team
Sachi Kobayashi
Sadie Babits
Sadie Babits Supervising Climate Editor
Sara Richards Senior Project Manager
Sarah McCammon
Sarah McCammon Political Correspondent and Co-Host, NPR Politics Podcast
Sarah Oliver
Shannon Bond
Shannon Bond Correspondent
Sharon McCalister
Sheila Boyd
Shirley Yu Digital Network Manager
Sierra Juarez
Sierra Juarez Fact Checker
Stephen Fowler
Stephen Fowler Reporter, Washington Desk
Steve Drummond
Steve Drummond Executive Producer
Susan Stamberg
Susan Stamberg Special Correspondent
Susanna Capelouto
Susanna Capelouto Southern Bureau Chief
Suzanne Nuyen
T Foster
Tinbete Ermyas Editor
Tony Cavin
Tucker Ives Station Support Associate
Vickie Walton-James Reporter, Report for America Corps Member
Viet Le Producer
Whitney Maddox
Whitney Maddox Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
William Chappell Correspondent
Ximena Bustillo
Ximena Bustillo Political Reporter
PMJA Logo Supporter